名古屋工業大学 先端医用物理・情報工学研究センターでは、下記の通り、技術講演会を開催いたしました。

○日時:2022年9月16日 15:30- (Web)
○タイトル:Introduction to Bioelectromagnetics ・ Fundamentals and Applications
○講演者:Prof. Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

○内容:The human body whose electrical behavior depend on the frequency should be considered in the modern design of wireless devices which are used in proximity of the human body. However, the complexity of the modeling may depend not only on the frequency but also the individual variabilities, environmental factors, size of the devices and use scenarios. In this lecture, first, a discussion on modeling of the human in the electromagnetics for different cases is provided. Then, the effect of the human presence on the wireless devices including wireless communication terminals and wireless power transfer systems is explained considering typical exposures scenarios. The electromagnetic fields emitted from the electrostatic discharge is also discussed.