名古屋工業大学 先端医用物理・情報工学研究センターでは、IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapterと共催で、下記の通り、技術講演会を開催しました。
●開催方式: Web開催
●主催:名古屋工業大学先端医用物理・情報工学研究センター,IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter,生体機能の解明とその応用に関する研究会
●講演:「Workshop on SAR and Bioheat Equation」
Ilkka Laakso先生、Aalto University (Finland)
For exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, the power is absorbed in the human body. This power absorption per unit mass is defined as specific absorption rate (SAR), which is used as a physical quantity for human protection from radio-frequency fields. The SAR then results in the temperature rise. The SAR and temperature distribution in the biological tissues are complex and thus numerical approach is needed. The theory and computation of the SAR and temperature rise in biological tissue is reviewed in this tutorial.