〇日時:2019年6月18日(火) 17:00~18:30
〇場所:名古屋工業大学3号館2階 会講室(予定)
〇主催: 生体機能の解明とその応用に関する研究会
〇共催: 名古屋工業大学先端医用物理・情報工学研究センター

 戸部 泰貴氏
 ピッツバーグ大学 機械工学・材料科学部 Dr. Robertson研究室 博士研究員
「Non-destructive Three Dimensional Pathological Analysis of Human Cerebral Aneurysms -ヒト脳動脈瘤における非破壊的3次元病理解析方法の検討-」

Previously, a semi-quantitative approach was introduced to classify intracranial aneurysm (IAs) walls into four categories based on histological assessment of the cellular content and wall thickness. While this work provides a means to categorize IA walls, it is destructive and focuses on representative sections from fixed samples. We were motivated to develop a non-destructive methodology to apply this semi-quantitative scoring to larger regions of intact fixed or unfixed samples. Here, we introduce an approach that employs micro-CT for wall thickness, and multiphoton imaging with nuclear stain for local cell density and orientation. This approach was applied to two human IAs.

氏原 嘉洋 (名古屋工業大学 大学院工学研究科 電気・機械工学専攻)
Email: ujihara.yoshihiro@nitech.ac.jp