名古屋工業大学 先端医用物理・情報工学研究センターでは、IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapterと共催で、下記の通り、技術講演会を開催しました。

●日時: 2020年10月5日(月)  15:00-16:00
●場所: 名古屋工業大学6号館11階大会議室、オンライン開催(参加者は事前登録制でSkype for Business)
●主催: 名古屋工業大学先端医用物理・情報工学研究センター,IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter

●講演:「Computational Dosimetry Assessment for Human Exposure and Product Safety」
Junqing Lan先生 Chengdu University of Information Technology, China

●Abstract: Wireless devices have become an integral part of human life. Nevertheless, questions have been raised whether exposure to electromagnetic fields could give rise to adverse health consequences. Much researches have been done to resolve important issues. To protect human from the possible health hazards, some international organizations such as ICNIRP and ICES have published some guidelines or standards. This report would introduce the International standardization activity for human safety and the basic techniques for dosimetry assessment. It also includes the international product safety standard which specifies the product safety protocols and test procedures to measure or calculate the related physical quantity induced by wireless devices. Moreover, this report introduces the basic theory of Magnetic resonant coupling (MRC) wireless power transfer (WPT) technology and related dosimetry assessment inside the electric vehicle with WPT systems.