Title: Human Exposure Standards –Role of Computational Dosimetry
The adverse health effects caused by the electromagnetic field exposures at low- and radio-frequencies are the stimulation and thermal effect, respectively. International guidelines/standards for human exposure safety have been set to prevent from these effects. In the guidelines/standards, the limits are prescribed in terms of the internal physical quantities; in-situ electric field at low frequencies and specific absorption rate (SAR) at radio frequencies. The SARs averaged over 10 g and whole body are surrogates of the local and core temperature elevations, respectively. When providing the rational for the guidelines/standards, the threshold for inducing the health effect should be assessed. Computational techniques for bioelectromagnetics have been developed for exposure safety; magneto-quasi-static approximation techniques at low frequencies and full-wave analysis at radio frequencies. A committee on EMF dosimetry modeling has been formed under the IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety. The computational electromagnetics, in addition to the thermodynamics for radio-frequency exposure, is powerful and essential tool in the standardization. In this talk, computational techniques for bioelectromagnetics in different frequency ranges will be reviewed, and then the role of computational bioelectromagnetics for setting the limit in the safety guidelines will be explained, together with current research agenda. The exposure guidelines/standard under revision has also been reviewed.