〇日時:2019年6月12日(水) 10:30~12:00
〇場所:名古屋工業大学 6号館11階 大会講室
〇共催: 名古屋工業大学情報科学フロンティア研究院,生体機能の解明とその応用に関する研究会
〇 技術協賛: IEEE EMCS Japan Joint/Sendai Chapters
Yinliang Diao先生
South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
「Exposure Assessment for Non-Uniform Electromagnetic Field Based on Near-Field Measurement」
To avoid adverse health effects when exposed to time-varying electromagnetic field, ICNIRP defined basic restrictions in terms of in-situ field quantities. Although numerical approaches can be adopted to evaluate fields inside human body, it is still a difficulty to accurately model a real complex DUT in simulation. For this reason, method that combines external measurement with numerical assessment is required. This lecture will first introduce equivalent source techniques for assessment of low-frequency magnetic exposure. Then the assessment for millimeter wave exposure will be presented. At millimeter wave band, the phases are difficult to be accurately measured, leading to problems for evaluation of the power density. This part of lecture starts with a summary of antenna near-field measurement techniques, and then discusses possible solutions for power density assessment at millimeter wave band.